Pure Cinnamon Extract

Love the smell of cinnamon…Then this extract is for right for you. It can be added to cookies, cakes and fruit desserts.  Enhance your pancakes, waffles and French toast by adding a few drops to your batter.  Excellent when added in your coffee and hot chocolate. 

For cinnamon extract, you want to use whole cinnamon, not ground.  You can leave it in whole sticks or IMG_0770crush it into shards.  What you will need to make your homemade cinnamon extract is whole cinnamon sticks(about five) depending on jar using. About half a cup to one cup of vodka (again depending jar used). IMG_0807Cover five medium sticks (I crushed mine) with about half a cup to a cup of vodka and fill it to the rim of jar.  Let steep for about two to three weeks.

IMG_0913 Thanks for visiting!!

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